Natural Palo Santo and Lavender Incense קטורת טבעית
Natural Palo Santo and Lavender Incense קטורת טבעית
Desert Scent Incense קטורת טבעית

Desert Scent

Palo Santo and Lavender Incense

Sale Price60.00 ₪
Pick Up Available At Neot Hakikar 68 Usually ready in 24 hours

Palo Santo and Lavender Incense

Neot Hakikar 68

Pick Up Available, usually ready in 24 hours

Neot Hakikar 68
D.N yam Hamelach
8690500 Neot Hakikar


Palo Santo and Lavender incense is a potent blend of two powerful natural ingredients that have been used for their spiritual and healing properties for centuries.

  • Palo Santo is a sacred wood known for its cleansing and purifying properties
  • lavender is known for its soothing and calming effects on the mind and body

Together, they create a unique fragrance that promotes

  • deep relaxation
  • spiritual awareness
  • mental clarity

Burning Palo Santo and Lavender incense can help to

  • clear negative energy
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • create a peaceful and harmonious environment

The scent of Palo Santo and Lavender incense is also believed to enhance spiritual connections and deepen meditation practices, making it a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their spiritual and mental well-being.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Devorah Horovitz

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